Structural Imaging LLC

200 Sierra Dr.

Apollo, PA 15613

Phone: 724-415-6189

Roadway Laser Profilograph

The lasers attached to our machine allow us to profile the existing or new roadway with “Hands Free” approach.  This profile shows the vertical aspect of the road, including crest and sag curves, and the straight grade lines connecting them. Using state of the art technology, we can provide you with a digital profile determining the consistency of the roadway. We are certified in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and other states are available upon request.

Uses and Benefits of Roadway Profiling

  • Many new Penndot roadways require PA Test Method No. 428

  • Design guidelines take into account speed, vehicle type, road grade (slope), view obstructions, and stopping distance.  

  • Ensure smooth roadway surface for many years to come

  • Efficient way to lay out job stationing



LMI Roline features: 
 · The Ames LMI Roline sensor has been independently tested by the American Concrete Pavement Association and has shown to have the best accuracy of any sensor on the market.
· Reduces inflated IRI and PI values caused by pavement texture.
· Better profiler repeatability on textured surfaces. Meets ASTM E 950
· Bridges transverse and longitudinal joints; and reduces their effect on profile measurements
· Sensor can be easily retrofitted onto standard Ames lightweight profilers
· Best sensor for use on ground concrete surfaces
· Currently in use for QC/QA testing by state DOT’s as well as paving contractors